Import Information

    Customs duties and taxes paid at entry are ESTIMATED only and subject to change at liquidation after examination and investigation. Although we will make every effort to assist you we cannot assume responsibility due to a change in classification by US Customs.
    If you receive a bill for increased duties, please pay within 30 days from date of liquidation or be charged retroactive interest.

    To classify your product we would need the following information.

    1. Complete description of goods
    2. Principal use in US
    3. Country of Origin
    4. Other information needed to classify (i.e. textiles)
      – Knitted or Woven
      – Men’s Women’s boys’ girl’s
      – Fiber Content

    Invoice Information
    Review all the documents submitted to us. The importer is responsible for all invoice information. Customs should be advised of any difference on the invoice. It should reflect any payment to third parties.
    The invoice should be:

    1. In English or translation
    2. Specified quantities
    3. Kg, dozen, pairs, etc.)
    4. Value ( dollars or other currency)
    5. Deductions In detail (cash, discount, credit, Esc)
    6. Terms of Sale (FOB, CIF)
    7. Weights and number of packages
    8. Packing, commissions, rebates, discounts, quota payments, royalties, licenses or any other “assist”

    Because the relationship between the importer and the seller can affect the transaction price, it is very important that you bring these relationships to our attention. If we are not informed, we will assume that the parties are not related.
    An importer and a seller are considered related parties if they are:

    • Members of the same family
    • Officer or director in one or the other
    • Partners
    • Employees
    • Own or control 5% of more of stock

    Marking and Labeling
    Every article of foreign origin entering the United States must be legibly, permanently and conspicuously marked with the English name of the country of origin unless an exception is provided for in the law. With the purpose to inform the “ultimate purchaser” where the product is manufactured.
    Legibly. Clear enough to be read by a person of normal vision.
    Permanently. Remaining on the article unless deliberately removed.
    Conspicuously. Visible without disassembling the item.

    When the words United States, America, USA, as well as any city or state in the US appears on the article, the name of the country of origin should appear in close proximity and in equal or larger print!.

    Be sure that all your merchandise as well as the containers is properly marked with the country of origin before importation. Please contact us to verify such markings. Textile products, watches, manhole covers and many other items have special Customs marking requirements. We also have to comply with the regulations from the Food and Drug Administration, Federal Trade Commission and other government entities.
    If you receive a notice that items are not properly marked, you will have to mark them prior to submitting certification to Customs. Customs may visit your premises to confirm if the items were marked.

    Missing Documents
    At times you will receive request from us or Customs requesting documents or certificates. Failure to provide them within the allotted time may result in penalties.

    Food and Drug Administration
    Shipments must be held intact and in the San Diego area until released. We will monitor their status and inform you as soon as possible.

    Prohibited or Restricted Merchandise
    Certain commodities are prohibited or restricted in order to protect the economy and security of the United States. Some commodities are also subject to quotas. Several are subject in addition to U. S. Customs Laws, to the regulations administered by other Government agencies. Please make sure that you contact our office prior to importation to assure that these regulations are being met.

    Invoices, certificates, payment records, correspondence, and all other documentation pertaining to an importation must be kept on file for five years from date of entry.

    Why we need a Bond
    All entries must be covered by a Customs bond. Single Transaction Bond for the occasional importer; Continuous Bonds for regular importer or high value shipments.
    This bond assures Customs that the importer agrees to the following conditions.

    • Pay Duties, Taxes and all Charges.
    • Produce Documents and Evidence to make entry
    • Redeliver Merchandise if requested by U. S. Customs
    • Comply with all the laws and regulations of US Customs as well as the laws and regulations of the Government Agencies enforced by Customs.

    If you are the importer of record, payment to the broker will not relieve you for liability for Customs charges (duties, taxes or other debts owed Customs) in the event the charges are not paid by the broker. Therefore, if you pay by check, Custom charges may be paid with a separate check payable to the “US Customs Service” which shall be delivered to Customs by the broker.
    If you are a foreign entity, you must have an agent in charge in the US to receive communications from government agencies.

    When returning imported merchandise, it is important that you advise us beforehand. Duties might be refunded under a Drawback Entry.

    If you wish to protest the tariff classification or valuation after liquidation of an entry. Please advise us in writing, it may be necessary to retain a Customs attorney either directly or through us.