We expedite imports and exports, facilitate customs clearance and organize coordination of shipments worldwide.
Trade between the United States and Mexico is a particular expertise, with consulting services in all aspects of USMCA and maquiladoras including origin verification and certificates of origin.


    We will review your merchandise prior to entry, determining the correct classification and advising on product marking requirements.

    We undertake the entire Customs clearance process, preparing documents, paying duties and coordinating shipments.

    Sometimes a “Post-Entry Follow up” is required, and we will assist in fulfilling Customs requests for information, filing protests against a Customs decision or petitioning for relief of Customs Penalties.

    Ferrer Brokers Inc. holds a national permit that allows to clear shipments in all U.S. ports.


    We offer direct electronic filing with the Department of Commerce and procurement of Export Licenses.

    We coordinate shipments, negotiate favorable air/ocean freight rates and arrange Marine Insurance underwriting.


    Ferrer Brokers is a bonded carrier.

    We prepare all necessary documents, and achieve rapid clearance and cancellation of documents in the Port of San Diego/Otay Mesa/Los Angeles/Long Beach.


    We have a secure in bond area, and the ability to palletize, shrink wrap and repackage goods.

    We offer prompt notification of shipment status storage and distribution and shipment inspection.

    Camera surveillance 24/7


    We offer consulting to our customers on Customs issues such as tariff classification and product marking.

    In addition, we provide in-house training at a customer’s location if required.

    We offer bilingual assistance.

    We specialize in FDA regulated products.